Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why I Love Her So Much...

When reading through most of my social media posts, blogs, writings or discussions, I would say that 90% of my content involves a "my wife and I" statement. Won't you agree? :) And all the more reason to!

When we began our journey of becoming one, our thoughts, experiences, inside jokes and even tears became living expressions that have brought us closer and have helped to define/refine our perspective on life and love.

Music is my passion, and it's often a major way I express myself when I can't find the right words to say. I've been working on my first LP "The Real Love Project" for the past four years, and it has been one of the most challenging processes, emotionally and mentally. I knew that I wanted to write a love album but I didn't want it to be "cookie cutter." I wanted it to be real, authentic and relatable. All I can say is be careful what you ask just might get it!

During this time frame, I've witnessed many (not all) of the experiences I'm writing and recording. And as of this date, I know now, more than ever, what it means to love someone and to experience the power of real love.

I love my wife not only because she's beautiful, HOT, attractive, smart, funny, exotic, creative, loves God, music, me, is having my baby! lol! I could go on and on. But I also love her because she is my living example of what real love looks like, feels like. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things...

Love... never... fails....

Another really cool way to experience love is to give love. And I want to do that by blessing a special couple with a unique Valentine's Day Basket filled with dinner tickets, a candle, sweets for your sweetheart and more!

Fellas, this is YOUR time to shine! All you have to do is write a story, in 150 words or less, entitled "Why I Love Her So Much..." Post your original story in the comments section below with a link to your personal Facebook or Twitter account, and we will select one winner based on originality, creativity and content. The winner will be notified on Wednesday, February 12, 2014. The contest is open from now, January 29th, 2014 until February 12, 2014.

I'm REALLY excited about this and look forward to reading your stories!